Payment Policy

As of January 2023, we will only be accepting cash or card payments.

All bank transfers and cheques will be stopped due to missed payments.  Unfortunately this has had a big impact on my small business and therefore we have taken the decision to no longer these payment methods.

Cancellation Policy & No Shows

Cancellations and no shows cause a big strain small businesses.  Unfortunately, we have a need to put in place the following policy to cover cancellations and no shows.

Cancellations must be made at least 24hrs notice prior to appointment. Less then 24hrs you will be asked to pay 50% of the grooming cost.
If it happens more then once, you will also be required to pay a 50% deposit before you are booked back in again.
No Shows will be asked to pay the full grooming cost as this has an impact on income and the appointment could of been taken by someone else.
Apologies I have had to put in this in place but being self-employed and running a small business,  it really does impact myself and the business.
Any questions please feel free to ask

Seasons and Operations

Female dogs have to be 3 weeks clear from first day of bleeding before getting groomed. I have decided to put this in place because it’s not very nice for me or them. In the past I’ve experienced them to be a lot more sensitive and protective of their back end and therefore makes them more stressed during their groom. I don’t like this to happen – I like them to have a good experience here.

Operations – If your dog has had an operation they must be at least 1-3 weeks clear and had veterinary approval confirming they can be groomed and you will also need to sign to say your happy for the groom to go ahead.

Hope this all makes sense, any questions please ask – your dogs health and happiness is always my top priority.